Visual categorization and the primate prefrontal cortex: neurophysiology and behavior.

The ability to group stimuli into meaningful categories is a fundamental cognitive process. To explore its neuronal basis, we trained monkeys to categorize computer-generated stimuli as "cats" and "dogs." A morphing system was used to systematically vary stimulus shape and precisely define a category boundary. Psychophysical testing and analysis of eye movements suggest that the monkeys categorized the stimuli by attending to multiple stimulus features. Neuronal activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex reflected the category of visual stimuli and changed with learning when a monkey was retrained with the same stimuli assigned to new categories. Further, many neurons showed activity that appeared to reflect the monkey's decision about whether two stimuli were from the same category or not. These results suggest that the lateral prefrontal cortex is an important part of the neuronal circuitry underlying category learning and category-based behaviors.

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