A Memristor-Based Cascaded Neural Networks for Specific Target Recognition

Multiply-accumulate calculations using a memristor crossbar array is an important method to realize neuromorphic computing. However, the memristor array fabrication technology is still immature, and it is difficult t o f abricate l arge-scale a rrays w ith h igh-yield, w hich restricts the development of memristor-based neuromorphic computing technology. Therefore, cascading small-scale arrays to achieve the neuromorphic computational ability that can be achieved by large-scale arrays, which is of great significance for promoting the application of memristor-based neuromorphic computing. To address this issue, we present a memristor-based cascaded framework with some basic computation units, several neural network processing units can be cascaded by this means to improve the processing capability of the dataset. Besides, we introduce a split method to reduce pressure of input terminal. Compared with VGGNet and GoogLeNet, the proposed cascaded framework can achieve 93.54% Fashion-MNIST accuracy under the 4.15M parameters. Extensive experiments with Ti/AlOx/TaOx/Pt we fabricated are conducted to show that the circuit simulation results can still provide a high recognition accuracy, and the recognition accuracy loss after circuit simulation can be controlled at around 0.26%.

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