Types of Relations

Many arguments for flexible type assignment to syntactic categories have to do with the need to account for the various scopings resulting from the interaction of quantified DPs with other quantified DPs or with intensional or negated verb contexts. We will define a type for arbitrary arity relations in polymorphic type theory. In terms of this, we develop the Boolean algebra of relations as far as needed for natural language semantics. The type for relations is flexible: it can do duty for the whole family of types t, e → t, e → e → t, and so on. If we use this flexible type for the interpretations of verbs, we can perform a ‘flexible lift’ on DP interpretations, so that DPs get interpreted as operations on verb meanings. This leads to an elegant implementation of Keenan’s proposal for polyadic quantification in natural language (‘Beyond the Frege Boundary’). It turns out that scope reorderings are particularly easy to implement in this framework.