Finding the Connected Components and a Maximum Clique of an Intersection Graph of Rectangles in the Plane

Abstract An intersection graph of rectangles in the (x, y)-plane with sides parallel to the axes is obtained by representing each rectangle by a vertex and connecting two vertices by an edge if and only if the corresponding rectangles intersect. This paper describes algorithms for two problems on intersection graphs of rectangles in the plane. One is an O(n log n) algorithm for finding the connected components of an intersection graph of n rectangles. This algorithm is optimal to within a constant factor. The other is an O(n log n) algorithm for finding a maximum clique of such a graph. It seems interesting that the maximum clique problem is polynomially solvable, because other related problems, such as the maximum stable set problem and the minimum clique cover problem, are known to be NP-complete for intersection graphs of rectangles. Furthermore, we briefly show that the k-colorability problem on intersection graphs of rectangles is NP-complete.