StaQC: A Systematically Mined Question-Code Dataset from Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow (SO) has been a great source of natural language questions and their code solutions (i.e., question-code pairs), which are critical for many tasks including code retrieval and annotation. In most existing research, question-code pairs were collected heuristically and tend to have low quality. In this paper, we investigate a new problem of systematically mining question-code pairs from Stack Overflow (in contrast to heuristically collecting them). It is formulated as predicting whether or not a code snippet is a standalone solution to a question. We propose a novel Bi-View Hierarchical Neural Network which can capture both the programming content and the textual context of a code snippet (i.e., two views) to make a prediction. On two manually annotated datasets in Python and SQL domain, our framework substantially outperforms heuristic methods with at least 15% higher F1 and accuracy. Furthermore, we present StaQC (Stack Overflow Question-Code pairs), the largest dataset to date of ~148K Python and ~120K SQL question-code pairs, automatically mined from SO using our framework. Under various case studies, we demonstrate that StaQC can greatly help develop data-hungry models for associating natural language with programming language

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