Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Pre-training with Fusion in the Backbone

Vision-language (VL) pre-training has recently received considerable attention. However, most existing end-to-end pre-training approaches either only aim to tackle VL tasks such as image-text retrieval, visual question answering (VQA) and image captioning that test high-level understanding of images, or only target region-level understanding for tasks such as phrase grounding and object detection. We present F IBER ( F usion- I n-the- B ackbone-based transform ER ), a new VL model architecture that can seamlessly handle both these types of tasks. Instead of having dedicated transformer layers for fusion after the uni-modal backbones, F IBER pushes multimodal fusion deep into the model by inserting cross-attention into the image and text backbones, bringing gains in terms of memory and performance. In addition, unlike previous work that is either only pre-trained on image-text data or on fine-grained data with box-level annotations, we present a two-stage pretraining strategy that uses both these kinds of data efficiently: ( i ) coarse -grained pre-training based on image-text data; followed by ( ii ) fine -grained pre-training based on image-text-box data. We conduct comprehensive experiments on a wide range of VL tasks, ranging from VQA, image captioning, encoder used to re-rank also provide a full set of results on all evaluation metrics.

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