Unsupervised Minimax: Adversarial Curiosity, Generative Adversarial Networks, and Predictability Minimization

I review unsupervised or self-supervised neural networks playing minimax games in game-theoretic settings: (i) Artificial Curiosity (AC, 1990) is based on two such networks. One network learns to generate a probability distribution over outputs, the other learns to predict effects of the outputs. Each network minimizes the objective function maximized by the other. (ii) Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs, 2010-2014) are an application of AC where the effect of an output is 1 if the output is in a given set, and 0 otherwise. (iii) Predictability Minimization (PM, 1990s) models data distributions through a neural encoder that maximizes the objective function minimized by a neural predictor of the code components. I correct a previously published claim that PM is not based on a minimax game.

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