Gaussian elimination is not optimal

t. Below we will give an algorithm which computes the coefficients of the product of two square matrices A and B of order n from the coefficients of A and B with tess than 4 . 7 n l°g7 arithmetical operations (all logarithms in this paper are for base 2, thus tog 7 ~ 2.8; the usual method requires approximately 2n 3 arithmetical operations). The algorithm induces algorithms for invert ing a matr ix of order n, solving a system of n linear equations in n unknowns, comput ing a determinant of order n etc. all requiring less than const n l°g 7 arithmetical operations. This fact should be compared with the result of KLYUYEV and KOKOVKINSHCHERBAK [1 ] tha t Gaussian elimination for solving a system of l inearequations is optimal if one restricts oneself to operations upon rows and columns as a whole. We also note tha t WlNOGRAD [21 modifies the usual algorithms for matr ix multiplication and inversion and for solving systems of linear equations, trading roughly half of the multiplications for additions and subtractions. I t is a pleasure to thank D. BRILLINGER for inspiring discussions about the present subject and ST. COOK and B. PARLETT for encouraging me to write this paper. 2. We define algorithms e~, ~ which mult iply matrices of order m2 ~, by induction on k: ~ , 0 is the usual algorithm, for matr ix multiplication (requiring m a multiplications and m 2 ( m t) additions), e~,k already being known, define ~ , ~ +t as follows: If A, B are matrices of order m 2 k ~ to be multiplied, write