Web Dynamics

The World-Wide-Web is now a ubiquitous, global tool, being used in day-to-day work, for finding information, communicating ideas, carrying out distributed computation, and conducting business. The Web is continuing to grow at an exponential rate, in terms of both the amount and diversity of the information that it encompasses, and the size of its user base. This growth poses a host of challenges to the research community. In particular, there is a need to understand and manage the dynamics of the Web, i.e. how its information content, topology and usage change, and what kinds of models and techniques will scale up to the rate of change. There is a need for mechanisms and algorithms for organising and manipulating the information on the Web in order to make the Web tractable. In Section 2 we briefly review recent statistics relating to the growth of the Web so that the reader can appreciate the size of the task faced. In Section 3 we summarise some of the key issues in the broad area of Web dynamics. An international workshop on Web Dynamics was held in London on 3 January 2001, in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), with the aim of brining together researchers from both academia and industry who are working on novel approaches to tackling these problems. In Section 4 we give a summary of the invited talks and papers that were presented at the workshop. More information about the workshop, including online versions of the papers presented, can be found at at www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/webDyn.

[1]  William W. Cohen,et al.  Web-collaborative filtering: recommending music by crawling the Web , 2000, Comput. Networks.

[2]  Luca Cardelli,et al.  Mobile Ambients , 1998, FoSSaCS.

[3]  Mark Levene,et al.  Web Interaction and the Navigation Problem in Hypertext written for Encyclopedia of Microcomputers , 2001 .

[4]  Serge Abiteboul,et al.  Relational transducers for electronic commerce , 1998, J. Comput. Syst. Sci..

[5]  C. Lee Giles,et al.  Accessibility of information on the Web , 2000, INTL.

[6]  Cyveillance Sizing the Internet , 2000 .

[7]  Alexandra Poulovassilis,et al.  An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Termination Analysis of Active Rules , 1999, DBPL.

[8]  Sergey N. Dorogovtsev,et al.  POPULARITY IS ATTRACTIVE , 2003 .


[10]  Reka Albert,et al.  Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks , 1999 .

[11]  Andrei Z. Broder,et al.  Graph structure in the Web , 2000, Comput. Networks.

[12]  Stuart I. Feldman The Changing Face of E-Commerce: Extending the Boundaries of the Possible (E-Business) , 2000, IEEE Internet Comput..

[13]  Albert-László Barabási,et al.  Internet: Diameter of the World-Wide Web , 1999, Nature.

[14]  Martin van den Berg,et al.  Focused Crawling: A New Approach to Topic-Specific Web Resource Discovery , 1999, Comput. Networks.

[15]  Hector Garcia-Molina,et al.  The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler , 2000, VLDB.

[16]  Dennis Shasha,et al.  Efficient Matching for Web-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems , 2000, CoopIS.

[17]  B. Huberman,et al.  The Deep Web : Surfacing Hidden Value , 2000 .

[18]  Julita Vassileva,et al.  Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia , 1998, Springer Netherlands.

[19]  Marco Gori,et al.  Focused Crawling Using Context Graphs , 2000, VLDB.

[20]  Mark Levene,et al.  Zipf's Law for Web Surfers , 2001, Knowledge and Information Systems.

[21]  S. Hinton,et al.  From Home Page to Home Site: Effective Web Resource Discovery at the ANU , 1998, Comput. Networks.

[22]  Marc Spielmann,et al.  Verification of relational transducers for electronic commerce , 2003, J. Comput. Syst. Sci..

[23]  Hendrik Blockeel,et al.  Web mining research: a survey , 2000, SKDD.

[24]  Tova Milo,et al.  Active Views for Electronic Commerce , 1999, VLDB.

[25]  Oren Etzioni,et al.  Towards adaptive Web sites: Conceptual framework and case study , 1999, Artif. Intell..

[26]  Norman W. Paton,et al.  Active Rules in Database Systems , 1998, Monographs in Computer Science.

[27]  Calton Pu,et al.  Supporting Internet Applications beyond Browsing: Trigger Processing and Change Notification (Extended Abstract) , 1999, ICSC.

[28]  Tim Berners-Lee,et al.  Weaving The Web: The Original Design And Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web , 1999 .

[29]  Andrew McCallum,et al.  Using Reinforcement Learning to Spider the Web Efficiently , 1999, ICML.

[30]  Jon M. Kleinberg,et al.  Navigation in a small world , 2000, Nature.

[31]  Piero Fraternali,et al.  Tools and approaches for developing data-intensive Web applications: a survey , 1999, CSUR.

[32]  Kwok-wai Joseph Lee,et al.  Information retrieval on the world wide web , 2001 .

[33]  Dan Suciu,et al.  Declarative specification of Web sites with Strudel , 2000, The VLDB Journal.

[34]  Anytime, anywhere , 2003 .

[35]  Dejan S. Milojicic,et al.  Trend Wars - Mobile agent applications , 1999, IEEE Concurrency.

[36]  Dan Suciu,et al.  Data on the Web: From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML , 1999 .

[37]  Mark Levene,et al.  A fine grained heuristic to capture web navigation patterns , 2000, SKDD.

[38]  Eli Upfal,et al.  The Web as a graph , 2000, PODS.

[39]  Jianwen Su,et al.  Declarative workflows that support easy modification and dynamic browsing , 1999, WACC.

[40]  Jakob Nielsen,et al.  Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity , 1999 .

[41]  Peter Willett,et al.  Readings in information retrieval , 1997 .

[42]  Andreas Geppert,et al.  Dynamic workflow schema evolution based on workflow type versioning and workflow migration , 1999, Proceedings Fourth IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems. CoopIS 99 (Cat. No.PR00384).

[43]  Vijay V. Raghavan,et al.  The Shape of the Web and Its Implications for Searching the Web , 2000 .

[44]  Monika Henzinger,et al.  Hyperlink Analysis for the Web , 2001, IEEE Internet Comput..

[45]  Stanley Y. W. Su,et al.  The IDEAL approach to Internet-based negotiation for e-business , 2000, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.00CB37073).

[46]  S. Bornholdt,et al.  World Wide Web scaling exponent from Simon's 1955 model. , 2000, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[47]  S. N. Dorogovtsev,et al.  WWW and Internet models from 1955 till our days and the ``popularity is attractive'' principle , 2000, cond-mat/0009090.

[48]  Luca Cardelli Semistructured Computation , 1999, DBPL.

[49]  Amit P. Sheth,et al.  WebWork: METEOR2's Web-Based Workflow Management System , 1998, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.

[50]  Filippo Menczer,et al.  Adaptive Retrieval Agents: Internalizing Local Context and Scaling up to the Web , 2000, Machine Learning.

[51]  T. Joachims WebWatcher : A Tour Guide for the World Wide Web , 1997 .

[52]  Ravi Kumar,et al.  Trawling the Web for Emerging Cyber-Communities , 1999, Comput. Networks.

[53]  Stefano Paraboschi,et al.  Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications , 1999, VLDB.

[54]  Stephen Mansfield,et al.  Pope Benedict XVI , 2005 .

[55]  Munindar P. Singh,et al.  Readings in agents , 1997 .

[56]  David Heckerman,et al.  Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering , 1998, UAI.

[57]  David J. Aldous Reorganizing Large Web Sites , 2001, Am. Math. Mon..

[58]  Jennifer Widom,et al.  Active Database Systems , 1995, Modern Database Systems.

[59]  Sergey Brin,et al.  The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine , 1998, Comput. Networks.

[60]  Alexandra Poulovassilis,et al.  Abstract Interpretation for Termination Analysis in Functional Active Databases , 1999, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.

[61]  Derek de Solla Price,et al.  A general theory of bibliometric and other cumulative advantage processes , 1976, J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci..

[62]  Thorsten Joachims,et al.  Web Watcher: A Tour Guide for the World Wide Web , 1997, IJCAI.

[63]  Lan Huang,et al.  Scalable trigger processing , 1999, Proceedings 15th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No.99CB36337).

[64]  Luca Cardelli,et al.  Anytime, anywhere: modal logics for mobile ambients , 2000, POPL '00.

[65]  Duncan J. Watts,et al.  Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks , 1998, Nature.

[66]  Gail E. Kaiser,et al.  Collaborative Work: SWAP: Leveraging the Web To Manage Workflow , 1999, IEEE Internet Comput..

[67]  David J. DeWitt,et al.  NiagaraCQ: a scalable continuous query system for Internet databases , 2000, SIGMOD '00.

[68]  Jon M. Kleinberg,et al.  Mining the Web's Link Structure , 1999, Computer.

[69]  Huberman,et al.  Strong regularities in world wide web surfing , 1998, Science.

[70]  Lada A. Adamic The Small World Web , 1999, ECDL.

[71]  Michael Ströbel,et al.  On Auctions as the Negotiation Paradigm of Electronic Markets , 2000, Electron. Mark..

[72]  Marc Najork,et al.  Mercator: A scalable, extensible Web crawler , 1999, World Wide Web.

[73]  Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates,et al.  Searching the Web: challenges and partial solutions , 1998, Proceedings. String Processing and Information Retrieval: A South American Symposium (Cat. No.98EX207).

[74]  George Cybenko,et al.  Keeping up with the changing Web , 2000, Computer.

[75]  Soumen Chakrabarti,et al.  Data mining for hypertext: a tutorial survey , 2000, SKDD.