Generating English discourse from semantic networks

A system is described for generating English senterraces from a form of semantic ~e{s ia rrhid~ #~e nodes are ~'ord-sense mea~dngs a~d the paths are primarily deep case relations. The grammar ~sed by {he system is ia the form of a nef~ork that imposes an ordering on a set of syntactic transfnrmations {ha{ are expressed as t J S P flmctio~ts. The generation algorithm ~ses the information in the semantic net,~ork to select appropri~, ate genera{bin paths through the grammar. The system is designed for ase as a computational tool that allahs a linguist *o develop and stmly methods for ge~erating s~rfaee strings from an undeHying semantic sm~ctt~re. Initial findings ~ith regard fo form determiners such as voice, form, tense, and mood, some n~es fk~r embedding sentences, and some attention to pronominal substitution are reported. The system is programmed in I3SP 1~5 and is avMiab|e from the authors.

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