LANL MTI science team experience

The Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) is a technology test and demonstration satellite whose primary mission involved a finite number of technical objectives. MTI was not designed, or supported, to become a general purpose operational satellite. The role of the MTI science team is to provide a core group of system-expert scientists who perform the scientific development and technical evaluations needed to meet programmatic objectives. Another mission for the team is to develop algorithms to provide atmospheric compensation and quantitative retrieval of surface parameters to a relatively small community of MTI users. Finally, the science team responds and adjusts to unanticipated events in the life of the satellite. Broad or general lessons learned include the value of working closely with the people who perform the calibration of the data as well as those providing archived image and retrieval products. Close interaction between the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) teams was very beneficial to the overall effort as well as the science effort. Secondly, as time goes on we make increasing use of gridded global atmospheric data sets which are products of global weather model data assimilation schemes. The Global Data Assimilation System information is available globally every six hours and the Rapid Update Cycle products are available over much of the North America and its coastal regions every hour. Additionally, we did not anticipate the quantity of validation data or time needed for thorough algorithm validation. Original validation plans called for a small number of intensive validation campaigns soon after launch. One or two intense validation campaigns are needed but are not sufficient to define performance over a range of conditions or for diagnosis of deviations between ground and satellite products. It took more than a year to accumulate a good set of validation data. With regard to the specific programmatic objectives, we feel that we can do a reasonable job on retrieving surface water temperatures well within the 1°C objective under good observing conditions. Before the loss of the onboard calibration system, sea surface retrievals were usually within 0.5°C. After that, the retrievals are usually within 0.8°C during the day and 0.5°C at night. Daytime atmospheric water vapor retrievals have a scatter that was anticipated: within 20%. However, there is error in using the Aerosol Robotic Network retrievals as validation data which may be due to some combination of calibration uncertainties, errors in the ground retrievals, the method of comparison, and incomplete physics. Calibration of top-of-atmosphere radiance measurements to surface reflectance has proven daunting. We are not alone here: it is a difficult problem to solve generally and the main issue is proper compensation for aerosol effects. Getting good reflectance validation data over a number of sites has proven difficult but, when assumptions are met, the algorithm usually performs quite well. Aerosol retrievals for off-nadir views seem to perform better than near-nadir views and the reason for this is under investigation. Land surface temperature retrieval and temperature-emissivity separations are difficult to perform accurately with multispectral sensors. An interactive cloud masking system was implemented for production use. Clouds are so spectrally and spatially variable that users are encouraged to carefully evaluate the delivered mask for their own needs. The same is true for the water mask. This mask is generated from a spectral index that works well for deep, clear water, but there is much variability in water spectral reflectance inland and along coasts. The value of the second-look maneuvers has not yet been fully or systematically evaluated. Early experiences indicated that the original intentions have marginal value for MTI objectives, but potentially important new ideas have been developed. Image registration (the alignment of data from different focal planes) and band-to-band registration has been a difficult problem to solve, at least for mass production of the images in a processing pipeline. The problems, and their solutions, are described in another paper.

[1]  Shuichi Rokugawa,et al.  A temperature and emissivity separation algorithm for Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images , 1998, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[2]  Lee K. Balick,et al.  Directional satellite thermal IR measurements and modeling of a forest in winter and their relationship to air temperature , 2002, SPIE Remote Sensing.

[3]  Bradley G. Henderson,et al.  Concurrent measurements of directional reflectance and temperature of a wintertime coniferous forest from space , 2003, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

[4]  A. Goetz,et al.  Column atmospheric water vapor and vegetation liquid water retrievals from Airborne Imaging Spectrometer data , 1990 .

[5]  W. Paul Menzel,et al.  Remote sensing of cloud, aerosol, and water vapor properties from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[6]  S Tahl Determination of the column water vapour of the atmosphere using backscattered solar radiation measured by the Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS) , 1998 .

[7]  Christoph C. Borel,et al.  Comparison of four methods for determining precipitable water vapor content from multispectral data , 2001, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.

[8]  Yoram J. Kaufman,et al.  Remote sensing of water vapor in the near IR from EOS/MODIS , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[9]  Petr Chylek,et al.  Comparison of a single-view and a double-view aerosol optical depth retrieval algorithm , 2003, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

[10]  K. Masuda,et al.  Monte Carlo simulations of enhanced visible radiance in clear-air satellite fields of view near clouds , 2000 .

[11]  E. Vermote,et al.  Operational remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol over land from EOS moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer , 1997 .

[12]  Didier Tanré,et al.  Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, 6S: an overview , 1997, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[13]  P. G. Weber,et al.  Multi-spectral band selection for satellite-based systems , 1998, Defense, Security, and Sensing.

[14]  Gerrit de Leeuw,et al.  Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over land using two‐angle view satellite radiometry during TARFOX , 1998 .

[15]  I. J. Barton,et al.  Satellite-derived sea surface temperatures: Current status , 1995 .

[16]  J. Conel,et al.  Recovery of atmospheric water vapor total column abundance from imaging spectrometer data around 940 nm - Sensitivity analysis and application to Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data , 1993 .

[17]  A. Berk MODTRAN : A moderate resolution model for LOWTRAN7 , 1989 .

[18]  Petr Chylek,et al.  Satellite based retrieval of aerosol optical thickness: The effect of sun and satellite geometry , 2003 .

[19]  Lorraine Remer,et al.  The MODIS 2.1-μm channel-correlation with visible reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol , 1997, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[20]  Alan R. Gillespie,et al.  Temperature/emissivity separation of MTI data using the Terra/ASTER TES algorithm , 2002, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.

[21]  Y. Kaufman,et al.  Selection of the 1.375-µm MODIS Channel for Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds and Stratospheric Aerosols from Space , 1995 .

[22]  James Theiler,et al.  Comparing robust and physics-based sea surface temperature retrievals for high-resolution multispectral thermal sensors using one or multiple looks , 1999, Defense, Security, and Sensing.

[23]  Petr Chylek,et al.  Satellite-based columnar water vapor retrieval with the multi-spectral thermal imager (MTI) , 2003, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[24]  Anthony B. Davis,et al.  Cloud remote sensing with sideways looks: theory and first results using Multispectral Thermal Imager data , 2002, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.

[25]  Robert Frouin,et al.  Determination from Space of Atmospheric Total Water Vapor Amounts by Differential Absorption near 940 nm: Theory and Airborne Verification , 1990 .

[26]  Y. Kaufman,et al.  Corection of thin cirrus path radiances in the 0.4–1.0 μm spectral region using the sensitive 1.375 μm cirrus detecting channel , 1998 .

[27]  Anthony B. Davis,et al.  Performance of the interactive procedures for daytime detection of dense clouds in the MTI pipeline , 2001, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.

[28]  W. Menzel,et al.  Discriminating clear sky from clouds with MODIS , 1998 .

[29]  William B. Clodius,et al.  Validation of the MTI water surface temperature retrieval algorithms , 2002, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.

[30]  Bradley G. Henderson,et al.  Turbulence-induced spatial variation of surface temperature in high-resolution thermal IR satellite imagery , 2003, SPIE Remote Sensing.