Cognitive Processing Hardware Elements

Abstract : The purpose of this research is to identify and develop cognitive information processing systems and algorithms that can be implemented with novel architectures and devices with the goal of achieving high-speed decision making and cognitive responses to sensor inputs, based on current and prior experience. The research focuses on memory, i.e. the development of a "human-like" cognitive memory. Although memory is only a single component of a cognitive information processing system, it is a critical and central component, one that is essential for learning. A cognitive memory has been computer simulated, tested, and applied to four potentially high-value DOD problems: location and tracking of an airplane's position by comparing telescopic images of the ground with a previously recorded aerial photo; location and identification of aircraft at an airfield from satellite imagery; reading Chinese characters even if they are distorted; and human face recognition. Future work will involve improvements in the application techniques and the development of hardware for high-speed cognitive memories.