Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Beam-To-Column Connections for Pultruded Structures

This paper describes an experimental and theoretical investigation of beam-to-column connections for standard pultruded I and wide-flange structural shapes. Three different connection types were developed and tested. Results of the tests are presented in graphical moment-rotation data form. In addition, photographs and detailed descriptions of the failure modes of the different connections are provided. The results of this testing are compared with test data obtained for previously tested connection types. Recommendations for a "pultrudable" beam-to-column connection element are provided. In addition to the testing, numerical finite element work was performed using the COSMOS finite element code to determine whether the complex connection behavior could be accurately modeled by a numerical method. In this preliminary finite element investigation only linear elastic analysis was performed to obtain the initial moment-rotation characteristics of the connection. Results of the finite element work were very encouraging. Moment-rotation data obtained from the numerical analysis gave results which were comparable to those obtained from the tests. Further development of the finite element models would be required to predict the full non-linear moment rotation and failure characteristics of the connections. However, these results indicate that in the future preliminary investigations could be performed numerically rather than by the use of expensive and time-consuming tests.