How much does transmit correlation affect the sum-rate scaling of MIMO gaussian broadcast channels?

This paper considers the effect of spatial correlation between transmit antennas on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO Gaussian broadcast channel (i.e., downlink of a cellular system). Specifically, for a system with a large number of users n, we analyze the scaling laws of the sum-rate for the dirty paper coding and for different types of beamforming transmission schemes. When the channel is i.i.d., it has been shown that for large n, the sum rate is equal to M log log n + M log P/M + o(1) where M is the number of transmit antennas, P is the average signal to noise ratio, and o(1) refers to terms that go to zero as n rarr infin. When the channel exhibits some spatial correlation with a covariance matrix R (non-singular with tr(R) = M), we prove that the sum rate of dirty paper coding is M log log n + M log P/M + log det(R) + o(1). We further show that the sum-rate of various beamforming schemes achieves M log log n + M log P/M + M log c + o(1) where c les 1 depends on the type of beamforming. We can in fact compute c for random beamforming proposed in and more generally, for random beamforming with preceding in which beams are pre-multiplied by a fixed matrix. Simulation results are presented at the end of the paper.

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