Galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity scaling relations from a representative local sample (REXCESS)

We examine the X-ray luminosity scaling relations of 31 nearby galaxy clusters from the Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS). The objects are selected only in X-ray luminosity, optimally sampling the cluster luminosity function. Temperatures range from 2 to 9 keV, and there is no bias toward any particular morphological type. To reduce measurement scatter we extract pertinent values in an aperture corresponding to R500, estimated using the tight correlation between YX (the product of gas mass and temperature) and total mass. The data exhibit power law relations between bolometric X-ray luminosity and temperature, YX and total mass, all with slopes that are significantly steeper than self-similar expectations. We examine the possible causes for the steepening, finding that structural variations have little effect and that the primary driver appears to be a systematic variation of the gas content with mass. Scatter about the relations is dominated in all cases by the presence of cool cores. The natural logarithmic scatter about the raw X-ray luminosity-temperature relation is about 70 per cent, and about the X-ray luminosity-YX relation it is 40 per cent. Systems with more morphological substructure show similar scatter about scaling relations than clusters with less substructure, due to the preponderance of cool core systems in the regular cluster subsample. Cool core and morphologically disturbed systems occupy distinct regions in the residual space with respect to the best fitting mean relation, the former lying systematically at the high luminosity side, the latter lying systematically at the low luminosity side. Simple exclusion of the central regions serves to reduce the scatter about the scaling relations by more than a factor of two. The scatter reduces by a similar amount with the use of the central gas density as a third parameter. Using YX as a total mass proxy, we derive a Malmquist bias-corrected local luminosity-mass relation and compare with other recent determinations. Our results indicate that luminosity can be a reliable mass proxy with controllable scatter, which has important implications for upcoming all-sky cluster surveys, such as those to be undertaken with Planck and eROSITA ,a nd ultimately for the use of the cluster population for cosmological purposes.

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