Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, James Gleick. 1992. Pantheon Press, New York, NY. 532 pages. ISBN: 0-679-40836-3. $27.50

The correspondance in this volume is dominated by the public and private responses to the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species. Volume 8 opens with Darwin eagerly scrutinizing each new review, as one by one all the major media of the day carried notices of the book. To those who express their view privately in letters, Darwin responds patiently and thoughtfully, answering their objections and attempting to guide their fuller understanding of the operation of natural selection. His more personal thoughts emerge in letters to his friends Joseph Dalton Hooker, Charles Lyell, and Thomas Henry Huxley. This volume presents a wealth of detailed information, giving the full range of response to the Origin and revealing how Victorians coped with a theory that many recognized would revolutionize thinking about the organic world and human ancestry.