Architecture and performance models for scalable IP lookup engines on FPGA

We propose a unified methodology for optimizing IPv4 and IPv6 lookup engines based on the balanced range tree (BRTree) architecture on FPGA. A general BRTree-based IP lookup solution features one or more linear pipelines with a large and complex design space. To allow fast exploration of the design space, we develop a concise set of performance models to characterize the tradeoffs among throughput, table size, lookup latency, and resource requirement of the IP lookup engine. In particular, a simple but realistic model of DDR3 memory is used to accurately estimate the off-chip memory performance. The models are then utilized by the proposed methodology to optimize for high lookup rates, large prefix tables, and a fixed maximum lookup latency, respectively. In our prototyping scenarios, a state-of-the-art FPGA could support (1) up to 24 M IPv6 prefixes with 400 Mlps (million lookups per second); (2) up to 1.6 Blps (billion lookups per second) with 1.1 M IPv4 prefixes; and (3) up to 554 K IPv4 prefixes and 400 Mlps with a lookup latency bounded in 400 ns. All our designs achieve 5.6x - 70x the energy efficiency of TCAM, and have performance independent of the prefix distribution.

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