SPIN: searching personal information networks

1. MOTIVATION Affordable storage has grown dramatically over the last decade, enabling large-scale archival of email, contacts, documents, images, and music. Large personal storage becomes all the more useful with effective search tools. Recent operating systems can index PC hard disks and enable keyword search over many file types. All Web-based email services include keyword search. Major Web search companies have recently released desktop search tools that enable search on file systems and browser caches. Many research prototypes exist as well [4, 5, 3, 6]. With some exceptions [3, 6], prototypes and products have stayed close to traditional IR: they largely lack the capability to discover and reconcile entities and relations that pervade the user’s life from diverse and heterogeneous sources, to represent these in a graphical model, and to enable powerful but user-friendly queries on such graphs. These are the goals of our proposed system, SPIN.