Owen Thomas


Francis Wray, Owen Thomas, 1995, SC.

Michael Hall, Owen Thomas, Harvey Smith, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Olivier Buffet, Owen Thomas, Douglas Aberdeen, 2007, AISTATS.

Francis Wray, Owen Thomas, 1995 .

Owen Thomas, Christopher Hunt, Davide Di Maio, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Owen Thomas, Klaus Stüben, Adrian Colbrook, 1994, HPCN.

Owen Thomas, Klaus Stüben, Clemens-August Thole, 1997 .

Owen Thomas, Klaus Stüben, Clemens-August Thole, 1995, HPCN Europe.

Owen Thomas, Chris Bailey, Christopher Hunt, 2010, Microelectron. Reliab..

Owen Thomas, 1967 .

Owen Thomas, Simon McIntosh-Smith, S. McIntosh-Smith, 2011 .

Owen Thomas, Peter Willett, P. Willett, 2000, J. Inf. Sci..

Jukka Corander, Owen Thomas, Samuel Kaski, 2016, Bayesian Analysis.

Owen Thomas, Klaus Stüben, Clemens-August Thole, 1996, Parallel Comput..

Owen Thomas, Klaus Stüben, Clemens-August Thole, 1996, HPCN Europe.

Owen Thomas, Thomas J. Creswell, 1979 .

Owen Thomas, Alan Lichter, 1970 .