Abstract : Contents: An optically accessed memory using the hippmann process for information storage; A quantum optical phenomenon, implications for logic; Picture processing; Use of Fourier transformable properties of lenses for signal spectrum analysis; Contribution of diffraction optics to optical information technology; Coherent optical technology; Character-reading by optical spatial filtering; Machine perception of three-dimensional solids; Spatial filtering for pattern recognition; Optical correlator with time variable coding; Semiconductors in coherent optical transducers and spatial filters; Injection lasers; All-optical computers; Laser effects in optical logic functions; Laser digital devices; Fiber optics and lasers; Very fast opto-electronic digital logic; Thin magnetic film wall panel display; Light emission from GaAs tunnel diodes in computers; Laser deflection and scanning; Optical signal processing systems; Digital light deflector; Gain in opto-electronic logic; Di-scan; Opticalogical recognition; Thermoplastic recordings; Photochromic semirandom access memory; Fidac; Optical image processing; Optical logic; Silicon avalanche light sources; Electrooptical signal processors for phased arrays; Optical holography (Wavefront reconstruction imaging).