Learning Bayesian networks from data . Some applications in biomedicine

We will start the talk introducing Bayesian networks [15, 21] as one probabilistic graphical model that is based on the conditional independence concept between triplet of variables. This concept constitutes the semantic for Bayesian networks and is checked in the structure (a directed acyclic graph) by means of the u–separation criterion. The quantitative component of the paradigm (parameters) will be defined as conditional probabilities between the nodes (variables) in the directed acyclic graph. Taking into account both components, a factorization of the joint probability distribution is obtained. One advantage of this factorization is the reduction on the number of parameters needed in order to specify the joint distribution probability. However, the most important feature of this paradigm is that it can be used to infer in domains with inherent uncertainty. The reasoning inside the model consists in the propagation of the evidence through the model. This task was proved to be NP-hard in [4] for multiple connected networks. In the talk we will review one approximate algorithm to accomplish it, based on a simulation of the Bayesian network proposed in [13].

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