Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text, part I: character recognition

Among the many subject areas in the field of pattern recognition, the recognition of machine-printed and hand-printed alphanumeric characters has perhaps been the classic example to which people have referred in exemplifying the field. Interest in character recognition has long run high; an extensive literature in handprinted character recognition alone dates back to at least 1955.

[1]  G. P. Dinneen Programming pattern recognition , 1955, AFIPS '55 (Western).

[2]  T. L. Dimond,et al.  Devices for reading handwritten characters , 1899, IRE-ACM-AIEE '57 (Eastern).

[3]  J. S. Bomba,et al.  Alpha-numeric character recognition using local operations , 1959, IRE-AIEE-ACM '59 (Eastern).

[4]  W. W. Bledsoe,et al.  Pattern recognition and reading by machine , 1959, IRE-AIEE-ACM '59 (Eastern).

[5]  L. A. Kamentsky,et al.  Pattern and character recognition systems: picture processing by nets of neuron-like elements , 1959, IRE-AIEE-ACM '59 (Western).

[6]  Worthie Doyle,et al.  Recognition of sloppy, hand-printed characters , 1960, IRE-AIEE-ACM '60 (Western).

[7]  Ulric Neisser,et al.  A Note on Human Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters , 1960, Inf. Control..

[8]  Louis A. Kamentsky,et al.  The Simulation of Three Machines Which Read Rows of Handwritten Arabic Numbers , 1961, IRE Trans. Electron. Comput..

[9]  Wilbur H. Highleyman,et al.  An Analog Method for Character Recognition , 1961, IRE Trans. Electron. Comput..

[10]  J. R. Singer A self organizing recognition system , 1961, IRE-AIEE-ACM '61 (Western).

[11]  C. K. Chow,et al.  A Recognition Method Using Neighbor Dependence , 1962, IRE Trans. Electron. Comput..

[12]  J. L. Masterson,et al.  Machine Recognition of Constrained Handwritten Arabic Numbers , 1962 .

[13]  Frank P. Kuhl,et al.  Classification and recognition of hand-printed characters , 1963 .

[14]  Evon C. Greanias,et al.  The Recognition of Handwritten Numerals by Contour Analysis , 1963, IBM J. Res. Dev..

[15]  D.W.C. Shen,et al.  Character recognition by context-dependent transformations , 1964 .

[16]  Waren Teitelman,et al.  Real time recognition of hand-drawn characters , 1964, AFIPS '64 (Fall, part I).

[17]  Robert J. Spinrad,et al.  Machine Recognition of Hand Printing , 1965, Inf. Control..

[18]  Nilo A Lindgren,et al.  Machine recognition of human language Part III - Cursive script recognition , 1965, IEEE Spectrum.

[19]  Herbert A. Glucksman A Parapropagation Pattern Classifier , 1965, IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput..

[20]  Jon Kaufmann Clemens Optical character recognition for reading machine applications. , 1965 .

[21]  Gabriel F. Groner Real-time recognition of handprinted text , 1966, AFIPS '66 (Fall).

[22]  M. J. Minneman Handwritten character recognition employing topology, cross correlation, and decision theory , 1966 .

[23]  C. J. Tunis,et al.  Handprinting Input device for computer systems , 1967, IEEE Spectrum.


[25]  J. H. Munson,et al.  Experiments with Highleyman's Data , 1968, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

[26]  R. D. Joseph,et al.  Pattern Recognition from Satellite Altitudes , 1968, IEEE Trans. Syst. Sci. Cybern..

[27]  Richard O. Duda,et al.  Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text, part II: context analysis , 1968, AFIPS '68 (Fall, part II).