Policy-Gradient Algorithms for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

Partially observable Markov decision processes are interesting because of their ability to model most conceivable real-world learning problems, for example, robot navigation, driving a car, speech recognition, stock trading, and playing games. The downside of this generality is that exact algorithms are computationally intractable. Such computational complexity motivates approximate approaches. One such class of algorithms are the so-called policy-gradient methods from reinforcement learning. They seek to adjust the parameters of an agent in the direction that maximises the long-term average of a reward signal. Policy-gradient methods are attractive as a scalable approach for controlling partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). In the most general case POMDP policies require some form of internal state, or memory, in order to act optimally. Policy-gradient methods have shown promise for problems admitting memory-less policies but have been less successful when memory is required. This thesis develops several improved algorithms for learning policies with memory in an infinite-horizon setting. Directly, when the dynamics of the world are known, and via Monte-Carlo methods otherwise. The algorithms simultaneously learn how to act and what to remember. Monte-Carlo policy-gradient approaches tend to produce gradient estimates with high variance. Two novel methods for reducing variance are introduced. The first uses high-order filters to replace the eligibility trace of the gradient estimator. The second uses a low-variance value-function method to learn a subset of the parameters and a policy-gradient method to learn the remainder. The algorithms are applied to large domains including a simulated robot navigation scenario, a multi-agent scenario with 21,000 states, and the complex real-world task of large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. To the best of the author’s knowledge, no other policy-gradient algorithms have performed well at such tasks. The high variance of Monte-Carlo methods requires lengthy simulation and hence a super-computer to train agents within a reasonable time. The ANU “Bunyip” Linux cluster was built with such tasks in mind. It was used for several of the experimental results presented here. One chapter of this thesis describes an application written for the Bunyip cluster that won the international Gordon-Bell prize for price/performance in 2001.

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