Towards a New Evolutionary Computation - Advances in the Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

Linking Entropy to Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.- Entropy-based Convergence Measurement in Discrete Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.- Real-coded Bayesian Optimization Algorithm.- The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Comparing Review.- Estimation of Distribution Programming: EDA-based Approach to Program Generation.- Multi-objective Optimization with the Naive ID A.- A Parallel Island Model for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.- GA-EDA: A New Hybrid Cooperative Search Evolutionary Algorithm.- Bayesian Classifiers in Optimization: An EDA-like Approach.- Feature Ranking Using an EDA-based Wrapper Approach.- Learning Linguistic Fuzzy Rules by Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms as the Search Engine in the COR Methodology.- Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with 2-opt Local Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem.

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