Henryk Minc - A Biography
[1] H. Minc. Inverse elementary divisors problem for doubly stochastic matrices , 1982 .
[2] Henryk Minc,et al. Eigenvalues of matrices with prescribed entries , 1972 .
[3] M. Marcus,et al. A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities , 1965 .
[4] M. Marcus,et al. On the relation between the determinant and the permanent , 1961 .
[5] M. Marcus,et al. The Pythagorean theorem in certain symmetry classes of tensors , 1962 .
[6] H. Minc. On a conjecture of R.A. Brualdi , 1987 .
[7] Henryk Minc,et al. Bounds for permanents of non-negative matrices , 1969, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
[8] H. Minc. The van der Waerden Permanent Conjecture , 1983 .
[9] Marvin Marcus,et al. The Permanent Function , 1962, Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
[10] Henryk Minc,et al. Linear transformations on nonnegative matrices , 1974 .
[11] M. Marcus,et al. Elementary linear algebra , 1968 .
[12] H. Minc. A note on an inequality of M. Marcus and M. Newman , 1963 .
[13] H. Minc. An asymptotic solution of the multidimensional dimer problem , 1980 .
[14] Henryk Minc,et al. Theory of permanents 1982–1985 , 1987 .
[15] Doubly stochastic matrices with minimal permanents , 1975 .
[16] Henryk Minc,et al. On the Matrix Equation X′X = A , 1962, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
[17] J. M. Robinson. The Institute for Antiquity and Christianity , 1970, New Testament Studies.
[19] The maximum number of equal non-zero subdeterminants , 1960 .
[20] Monotonicity of permanents of doubly stochastic matrices , 1978 .
[21] Henryk Minc. Evaluation of Permanents , 1979 .
[22] W. J. Thron,et al. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. , 1982 .
[23] Marvin Marcus,et al. SOME RESULTS ON NON-NEGATIVE MATRICES , 1961 .
[24] On matrices with positive inverses , 1963 .
[25] An unresolved conjecture on permanents of (0,1)-Matrices * , 1974 .
[26] H. Minc. (0, 1)-matrices with minimal permanents , 1973 .
[27] On a conjecture of R.F. Scott (1881) , 1979 .
[28] H. Minc. Nearly decomposable matrices , 1972 .
[29] M. Marcus,et al. On a conjecture of B. L. van der Waerden , 1967, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
[30] Subpermanents of doubly stochastic matrices , 1975 .
[31] Diagonals of nonegative matrices , 1973 .
[32] Disjoint pairs of sets and incidence matrices , 1963 .
[33] Enumeration of Indices of given Altitude and Potency , 1959 .
[34] M. Marcus,et al. Some results on doubly stochastic matrices , 1962 .
[35] H. Minc. A Problem in Partitions: Enumeration of Elements of a given Degree in the free commutative entropic cyclic Groupoid , 1959 .
[36] Mutability of bifurcating root-trees , 1960 .
[37] On the permanent of doubly stochastic matrices with zero diagonal , 1989 .
[38] Frank Harary,et al. Which Nonnegative Matrices are Self-Inverse? , 1976 .
[39] M. Marcus,et al. Extensions of classical matrix inequalities , 1968 .
[40] Inverse elementary divisor problem for nonnegative matrices , 1981 .
[41] On two theorems of Frobenius. , 1975 .
[42] Henryk Minc,et al. Theory of permanents 1978–1981 , 1983 .
[43] H. Minc. Linear transformations on matrices: rank 1 preservers and determinant preservers , 1977 .
[44] H. Minc,et al. Some Inequalities involving (r!)1/r , 1964, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
[45] Henryk Minc,et al. On the Maximal Eigenvector of a Positive Matrix , 1970 .
[47] Henryk Minc,et al. Permanents of (0, 1)-Circulants , 1964, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.
[48] Henryk Minc,et al. Upper bounds for permanents of $\left( {0,\,1} \right)$-matrices , 1963 .
[49] H. Minc. A lower bound for permanents of (0,1)-matrices , 1967 .
[50] Henryk Minc,et al. Permanental compounds and permanents of (0, 1)-circulants , 1987 .
[51] M. Marcus,et al. Generalized matrix functions , 1965 .
[52] R. Bellman,et al. A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities , 1965 .
[53] H. Minc. Spectra of irreducible matrices , 1975 .
[54] M. Marcus,et al. Permutations on symmetry classes , 1967 .
[55] A Remark on a Theorem of M. Hall , 1974, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.
[56] Minimum permanents of doubly stochastic matrices with prescribed zero entries on the main diagonal , 1994 .
[57] XXI.—Index Polynomials and Bifurcating Root-Trees * , 1957 .
[58] Marvin Marcus,et al. Modern University Algebra , 1968 .
[59] H. Minc. The invariance of elementary symmetric functions , 1976 .
[60] Minimum permanents of doubly stochastic matrices with prescribed zero entries , 1984 .
[61] An upper bound for the multidimensional dimer problem , 1978 .
[62] Henryk Minc,et al. Recurrence formulas for permanents of (0, 1)-circulants , 1985 .
[63] M. Marcus,et al. The invariance of symmetric functions of singular values. , 1962 .
[64] Henryk Minc. An inequality for permanent of (0, 1)-matrices , 1967 .
[65] M. Marcus,et al. Inequalities for general matrix functions , 1964 .