Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing, 3rd Edition

If you find yourself in need of a resource book for numerical computing that contains advice and solutions for many of your everyday numerical computing problems, then this may just be the book for you. The lineage of the the Numerical Recipes books goes back to the mid 1980's, when I can recall using recipes in both FORTRAN and C. This was at the advent of the internet and before the open source software movement, so having a resource such as this was valuable. Not only did the book give advice for solving numerical problems, but it was also possible to avoid a lot of typing by purchasing the companion code CD. The software alternatives were expensive and did not come with the discourse given in the Numerical Recipe book. Today, this third edition of Numerical Recipes remains a broad one volume tome for numerically solving a wide range of mathematical , statistical, and computational problems. The code for this book is done with C++. In the preface it is pointed out that several hundred pages of new material have been added. This new materi