Teching PL/I using a microcomputer

Until the Fall 1983 semester, the introductory programming course at Brooklyn College had been taught (in the PL/C dialect of PL/I) using keypunch equipment in a batch environment. However, that term two experimental sections used IBM Personal Computer (PC's) instead of keypunches. The experiment was expanded in the Spring 1984 semester to include almost one third of all sections of the introductory course, and then expanded again in the Fall 1984 semester to all sections of the first PL/I course, plus three sections of second-level courses. Although the PC's were quite easy to use, the PL/I-86 PC-DOS compiler produced by Digital Research caused many problems. A number of advantages and disadvantages of the experiment are discussed. Other implications of the use of PC's are also noted, including the possible change of language and the extension to more advanced courses in the curriculum.