Accelerating Equi-Join on a CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Platform

Accelerating database applications using FPGAs has recently been an area of growing interest in both academia and industry. Equi-join is one of the key database operations whose performance highly depends on sorting, which exhibits high memory usage on FPGA. A fully pipelined N-key merge sorter consists of log N sorting stages using O(N) memory totally. For large data sets, external memory has to be employed to perform data buffering between the sorting stages. This introduces pipeline stalls as well as several iterations between FPGA and external memory, causing significant performance degradation. In this paper, we speed-up equi-join using a hybrid CPU-FPGA heterogeneous platform. To alleviate the performance impact of limited memory, we propose a merge sort based hybrid design where the first few sorting stages in the merge sort tree are replaced with "folded" bitonic sorting networks. These "folded" bitonic sorting networks operate in parallel on the FPGA. The partial results are then merged on the CPU to produce the final sorted result. Based on this hybrid sorting design, we develop two streaming join algorithms by optimizing the classic CPU-based nested-loop join and sort-merge join algorithms. On a rangeof data set sizes, our design achieves throughput improvement of 3.1x and 1.9x compared with software-only and FPGA only implementations, respectively. Our design sustains 21.6% of thepeak bandwidth, which is 3.9x utilization obtained by the state-of-the-art FPGA equi-join implementation.

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