A Probabilistic Framework for Matching Temporal Trajectories: CONDENSATION-Based Recognition of Gestures and Expressions

The recognition of human gestures and facial expressions in imagesequences isan important and challenging problem that enables a hostof human-computer interaction applications. Thispaperdescribes a frameworkforincrementalrecognitionofhumanmotionthatextendsthe \Condensation" algorithm proposed by Isard and Blake (ECCV'96). Human motions are modeled astemporal trajectoriesof some estimated parameters over time. The Condensationalgorithm uses random sam- pling techniques to incrementally match the trajectory models to the multi-variate input data. The recognition framework is demonstrated withtwoexamples.Therstexampleinvolvesanaugmentedocewhite- boardwithwhichausercanmakesimplehandgesturestograbregionsof theboard,printthem,savethem,etc.Thesecondexampleillustratesthe recognition of human facial expressions using the estimated parameters of a learned model of mouth motion.

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