Area, and Power Performance Analysis of a Floating-Point Based Application on FPGAs

Abstract : Almost all signal processing algorithms are initially represented as double precision floating-point in languages such as Matlab. For hardware implementations, these algorithms have to be converted to large precision fixed-point to have a sufficiently large dynamic range. However the inevitable quantization effects and the complexity of converting the floating-point algorithm into a fixed point one, limit the use of fixed-point arithmetic for high precision embedded computing. FPGAs have become an attractive option for implementing computationally intensive applications. However, the common conception has been that efficient FPGA implementations of floating-point arithmetic have a lot of performance, area and power overheads compared to fixed-point arithmetic. With recent technology advances, FPGA densities are increasing at a rate at which area considerations are becoming less significant. These advances have also reduced the performance and power overhead of floating-point arithmetic. With appropriate designs, floating-point applications can even be more efficient than fixed-point ones for large bitwidths. The overheads in the context of the overall application can be quite low. In this paper, we present a preliminary area, and power performance analysis of double precision matrix multiplication, an extensively used kernel in embedded computing and also show that FPGAs are good candidates for implementing high precision floating-point based applications when compared to a general-purpose processor. Currently many FPGA based floating-point units, both open source 2 and commercial 1, are available. However, most of them consider only single precision floating-point operations, and do not make use of the recent advances in FPGAs. Moreover, an area, and power performance analysis of the floating-point units in the context of a common application is lacking.

[1]  Viktor K. Prasanna,et al.  Area and time efficient implementations of matrix multiplication on FPGAs , 2002, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 2002. (FPT). Proceedings..

[2]  R. Stephenson A and V , 1962, The British journal of ophthalmology.

[3]  Pavle Belanovic,et al.  A Library of Parameterized Floating-Point Modules and Their Use , 2002, FPL.