Statistical methods in water resources

Presenta un estudio de los diversos metodos estadisticos usados para analisis en hidrologia

[1]  A. V. Humboldt Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. / , 1811 .

[2]  Allen Hazen,et al.  Storage to be Provided Impounding Reservoirs for Municipal Water Supply , 1913 .

[3]  E. A. Goldenweiser Classification and Limitations of Statistical Graphics , 1916, Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association.

[4]  R. Fisher,et al.  On the Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Statistics , 1922 .


[6]  W. Weibull,et al.  The phenomenon of rupture in solids , 1939 .

[7]  Accidental and Systematic Errors in Spectroscopic Absolute Magnitudes for Dwarf G_{0}-K_{2} Stars. , 1940 .

[8]  Paul A. Samuelson,et al.  A Note on Alternative Regressions , 1942 .

[9]  Arthur M. Piper,et al.  A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water-analyses , 1944 .

[10]  R. Geary Testing for normality. , 1947, Biometrika.

[11]  H. B. Mann,et al.  On a Test of Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other , 1947 .

[12]  G. Teissier La Relation D'Allometrie sa Signification Statistique et Biologique , 1948 .

[13]  P. Moran,et al.  Mathematics of Statistics , 1948, Nature.

[14]  A. Hald Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters of a Normal Distribution which is Truncated at a Known Point , 1949 .

[15]  H. Theil A Rank-Invariant Method of Linear and Polynomial Regression Analysis , 1992 .

[16]  J. Durbin,et al.  Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression. I. , 1950, Biometrika.

[17]  A. Cohen,et al.  Estimating the Mean and Variance of Normal Populations from Singly Truncated and Doubly Truncated Samples , 1950 .

[18]  H. E. Hurst,et al.  Long-Term Storage Capacity of Reservoirs , 1951 .

[19]  D. Inman,et al.  Measures for describing the size distribution of sediments , 1952 .

[20]  William Kruskal,et al.  On the Uniqueness of the Line of Organic Correlation , 1953 .

[21]  B. R. Colby,et al.  Sedimentation and chemical quality of surface waters in the Wind River basin, Wyoming , 1956 .

[22]  F. S. Russell,et al.  Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom , 1972, Nature.

[23]  A. Cohen,et al.  Simplified Estimators for the Normal Distribution When Samples Are Singly Censored or Truncated , 1959 .

[24]  F. David,et al.  Statistical Estimates and Transformed Beta-Variables. , 1960 .

[25]  W. W. Rozeboom The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance test. , 1960, Psychological bulletin.

[26]  Leo R Beard,et al.  Statistical Methods in Hydrology , 1962 .

[27]  W. B. Langbein,et al.  Information content of the mean , 1962 .

[28]  J. L. Hodges,et al.  Estimates of Location Based on Rank Tests , 1963 .

[29]  Irving I. Gringorten,et al.  A plotting rule for extreme probability paper , 1963 .

[30]  J. H. Feth,et al.  Sources of mineral constituents in water from granitic rocks, Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada , 1964 .

[31]  J. Kruskal Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis , 1964 .

[32]  M. A. Benson Spurious Correlation in Hydraulics and Hydrology , 1965 .

[33]  Robert L. Mccornack,et al.  Extended Tables of the Wilcoxon Matched Pair Signed Rank Statistic , 1965 .

[34]  D. M. Green,et al.  Signal detection theory and psychophysics , 1966 .

[35]  Strother H. Walker,et al.  Estimation of the probability of an event as a function of several independent variables. , 1967, Biometrika.

[36]  A. T. Miesch Methods of computation for estimating geochemical abundance , 1967 .

[37]  S. Shapiro,et al.  A Comparative Study of Various Tests for Normality , 1968 .

[38]  P. Sen Estimates of the Regression Coefficient Based on Kendall's Tau , 1968 .

[39]  G. Likens,et al.  A Working Model for the Variation in Stream Water Chemistry at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire , 1969 .

[40]  Donald W. Marquaridt Generalized Inverses, Ridge Regression, Biased Linear Estimation, and Nonlinear Estimation , 1970 .

[41]  Yair Mundlak,et al.  Estimation in Lognormal Linear Models , 1970 .

[42]  C. Land,et al.  Confidence Intervals for Linear Functions of the Normal Mean and Variance , 1971 .

[43]  S. Shapiro,et al.  An Approximate Analysis of Variance Test for Normality , 1972 .

[44]  W. A. Larsen,et al.  The Use of Partial Residual Plots in Regression Analysis , 1972 .

[45]  R. L. Miller Numerical analysis in geomorphology, an introduction , 1972 .

[46]  C. Land,et al.  An Evaluation of Approximate Confidence Interval Estimation Methods for Lognormal Means , 1972 .

[47]  Statistical analysis of biological data from preoperational-postoperational industrial water quality monitoring , 1973 .

[48]  R. Reyment,et al.  Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. , 1988 .


[50]  V. Klemeš The Hurst Phenomenon: A puzzle? , 1974 .

[51]  H. Akaike A new look at the statistical model identification , 1974 .

[52]  Straight line fitting of an observation path by least normal squares , 1974 .

[53]  C. Liteanu,et al.  On the detection limit , 1975 .

[54]  J. Filliben The Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test for Normality , 1975 .

[55]  V. Barnett,et al.  Applied Linear Statistical Models , 1975 .

[56]  Dennis P. Lettenmaier,et al.  Detection of trends in water quality data from records with dependent observations , 1976 .

[57]  G. Schwarz Estimating the Dimension of a Model , 1978 .

[58]  Raymond H. Myers,et al.  Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists. , 1973 .

[59]  S. J. Press,et al.  Choosing between Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis , 1978 .

[60]  C. Cunnane Unbiased plotting positions — A review , 1978 .

[61]  W. Cleveland Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots , 1979 .

[62]  E. Parzen Nonparametric Statistical Data Modeling , 1979 .

[63]  A. N. PETTrrr A Non-parametric Approach to the Change-point Problem , 1979 .

[64]  T. Breurch,et al.  A simple test for heteroscedasticity and random coefficient variation (econometrica vol 47 , 1979 .

[65]  Mitchell J. Mergenthaler Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks , 1979 .

[66]  Relation of sediment yield to climatic and physical characteristics in the Missouri River basin , 1979 .

[67]  Gary D. Tasker,et al.  Hydrologic regression with weighted least squares , 1980 .

[68]  R. Iman,et al.  Approximations of the critical region of the fbietkan statistic , 1980 .

[69]  J. J. Higgins,et al.  A Comparison of the Power of Wilcoxon's Rank-Sum Statistic to that of Student'st Statistic Under Various Nonnormal Distributions , 1980 .

[70]  Beat Kleiner,et al.  Exploratory data analysis in the geophysical sciences , 1980 .

[71]  R. L. Evans,et al.  Coliforms and Fecal Streptococcus in the Illinois River at Peoria, 1971-1976 , 1980 .

[72]  A. Tsiatis A note on a goodness-of-fit test for the logistic regression model , 1980 .

[73]  W. J. Owen,et al.  Estimation of the Mean for Lognormal Data Containing Zeroes and Left-Censored Values, with Applications to the Measure- ment of Worker Exposure to Air Contaminants , 1980 .

[74]  A. Atkinson A note on the generalized information criterion for choice of a model , 1980 .

[75]  Tsoung-Chao Lee,et al.  The Theory and Practice of Econometrics , 1981 .

[76]  M. E. Johnson,et al.  A Comparative Study of Tests for Homogeneity of Variances, with Applications to the Outer Continental Shelf Bidding Data , 1981 .

[77]  David C. Hoaglin,et al.  Applications, basics, and computing of exploratory data analysis , 1983 .

[78]  R. Forthofer,et al.  Rank Correlation Methods , 1981 .

[79]  W. Hays Applied Regression Analysis. 2nd ed. , 1981 .

[80]  M. R. Stoline The Status of Multiple Comparisons: Simultaneous Estimation of all Pairwise Comparisons in One-Way ANOVA Designs , 1981 .

[81]  R. Iman,et al.  Rank Transformations as a Bridge between Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics , 1981 .


[83]  S. Pocock When not to rely on the central limit theorem - an example from absenteeism data , 1982 .

[84]  R. Hirsch A Comparison of Four Streamflow Record Extension Techniques , 1982 .

[85]  R. Hirsch,et al.  Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data , 1982 .

[86]  Mine drainage and rock type influences on eastern Ohio stream water quality , 1983 .

[87]  Robert M. Hirsch,et al.  Nonparametric tests for trends in water-quality data using the statistical analysis system , 1983 .

[88]  William S. Cleveland,et al.  A Color-Caused Optical Illusion on a Statistical Graph , 1983 .

[89]  T. G. Sanders Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality , 1983 .

[90]  John M. Chambers,et al.  Graphical Methods for Data Analysis , 1983 .

[91]  N. Duan Smearing Estimate: A Nonparametric Retransformation Method , 1983 .

[92]  W. DuMouchel,et al.  Using Sample Survey Weights in Multiple Regression Analyses of Stratified Samples , 1983 .

[93]  Ronald L. Iman,et al.  A Modern Approach To Statistics , 1983 .

[94]  Jery R. Stedinger,et al.  Confidence Intervals for Design Events , 1983 .

[95]  W. O. Thomas,et al.  Flood Characteristics of Urban Watersheds in the United States , 1983 .

[96]  Edith B. Chase,et al.  Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1980 , 1983 .

[97]  P. Schmidt,et al.  Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics. , 1984 .

[98]  M. Person,et al.  Evaluation of Surface Impoundment Assessment in New Mexico , 1983 .

[99]  M. Wolman,et al.  Downstream effects of dams on alluvial rivers. , 1984 .

[100]  Robert McGill,et al.  The Many Faces of a Scatterplot , 1984 .

[101]  Contamination of an Unconfined Sand Aquifer by Waste Pulp Liquor: A Case Study , 1984 .

[102]  L. Bachman Field and Laboratory Analyses of Water from the Columbia Aquifer in Eastern Maryland , 1984 .


[104]  Geochemistry of ground water in the Sacramento Valley, California , 1984 .

[105]  Michael Stuart,et al.  Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis , 1984 .

[106]  R. Davis,et al.  Assessment of selected ground-water-quality data in Montana , 1984 .

[107]  R. Hirsch,et al.  A Nonparametric Trend Test for Seasonal Data With Serial Dependence , 1984 .

[108]  Gerald van Belle,et al.  Nonparametric Tests for Trend in Water Quality , 1984 .

[109]  T. Miller,et al.  Oregon ground-water quality and its relation to hydrogeological factors; a statistical approach , 1984 .

[110]  William S. Cleveland,et al.  Graphical Methods for Data Presentation: Full Scale Breaks, Dot Charts, and Multibased Logging , 1984 .

[111]  A statistical approach to evaluate the relation of coal mining, land reclamation, and surface-water quality in Ohio , 1984 .

[112]  L. Håkanson Sediment sampling in different aquatic environments: statistical aspects , 1984 .

[113]  Robert M. Hirsch,et al.  Effect of censoring trace-level water-quality data on trend-detection capability , 1984 .

[114]  W. Cleveland,et al.  Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation, and Application to the Development of Graphical Methods , 1984 .

[115]  K. Salter,et al.  A monte carlo study of the f test and three tests based on ranks of treatment effects in randomized block designs , 1984 .

[116]  S. Looney,et al.  Use of the Correlation Coefficient with Normal Probability Plots , 1985 .

[117]  The Rank Sum Test in the Linear Logistic Model , 1985 .

[118]  E. Halfon Regression method in ecotoxicology: a better formulation using the geometric mean functional regression. , 1985, Environmental science & technology.


[120]  J. Stedinger,et al.  Minimum variance streamflow record augmentation procedures , 1985 .

[121]  P. McCullagh Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data , 1985 .

[122]  D. G. Lord,et al.  Distribution of volatile organic compounds in a New Jersey coastal plain aquifer system , 1985 .

[123]  Geochemistry of ground-water in two sandstone aquifer systems in the Northern Great Plains in parts of Montana and Wyoming , 1985 .

[124]  R McGill,et al.  Graphical Perception and Graphical Methods for Analyzing Scientific Data , 1985, Science.

[125]  Thomas R. Gulledge,et al.  Probability plotting positions and goodness of fit for the normal distribution , 1985 .

[126]  Edward Rolf Tufte,et al.  The visual display of quantitative information , 1985 .

[127]  Concentration of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Groundwater Central Platte Region, Nebrask 1984 , 1985 .

[128]  J. Stedinger,et al.  Regional Hydrologic Analysis: 1. Ordinary, Weighted, and Generalized Least Squares Compared , 1985 .

[129]  H. Lins Interannual streamflow variability in the United States based on principal components , 1985 .

[130]  A. Gleit,et al.  Estimation for small normal data sets with detection limits. , 1985, Environmental science & technology.

[131]  John H. Skillings,et al.  Nonparametric Stepwise Multiple Comparison Procedures , 1985 .

[132]  T. L. Schertz,et al.  Trend analysis of weekly acid rain data, 1978-83 , 1985 .

[133]  C. Driedger,et al.  Ice Volumes on Cascade Volcanoes: Mount Rainier, Mount Hood, Three Sisters, and Mount Shasta , 1986 .

[134]  R. Ferguson River Loads Underestimated by Rating Curves , 1986 .

[135]  D. Helsel,et al.  Estimation of Distributional Parameters for Censored Trace Level Water Quality Data: 2. Verification and Applications , 1986 .

[136]  F. Wells,et al.  Areal and temporal variations in the quality of surface water in hydrologic accounting unit 120301, Upper Trinity River basin, Texas , 1986 .

[137]  David J. Groggel,et al.  Distribution-Free Tests for Main Effects in Multifactor Designs , 1986 .

[138]  Robert J. Gilliom,et al.  Estimation of Distributional Parameters for Censored Trace Level Water Quality Data: 1. Estimation Techniques , 1986 .

[139]  J. Yee,et al.  Biological, morphological, and chemical characteristics of Wailuku River, Hawaii , 1986 .

[140]  P. B. Daddow,et al.  Investigation of possible effects of surface coal mining on hydrology and landscape stability in part of the Powder River structural basin, northeastern Wyoming , 1986 .

[141]  Richard M. Vogel,et al.  The Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test for the Normal, Lognormal, and Gumbel Distributional Hypotheses , 1986 .

[142]  E. Jacquelin Dietz,et al.  A comparison of robust estimators in simple linear regression , 1987 .

[143]  Peter J. Rousseeuw,et al.  Robust regression and outlier detection , 1987 .

[144]  R. Oltmann,et al.  Rainfall and runoff quantity and quality characteristics of four urban land-use catchments in Fresno, California, October 1981 to April 1983 , 1987 .

[145]  US Geological Survey urban-stormwater data base of constituent storm loads; characteristics of rainfall, runoff, and antecedent conditions; and basin characteristics , 1987 .


[147]  G. E. Noether,et al.  Sample Size Determination for Some Common Nonparametric Tests , 1987 .

[148]  Percentile estimation for water quality data , 1987 .

[149]  Dennis R. Helsel,et al.  Advantages of nonparametric procedures for analysis of water quality data , 1987 .

[150]  Daniel B. Carr,et al.  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , 1987 .

[151]  Results of intercomparison studies for the measurement of pH and specific conductance at National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network monitoring sites, October 1981-October 1985 , 1987 .

[152]  J. Copas,et al.  Applied Linear Statistical Models, 2nd Edition. , 1987 .

[153]  Robert M. Hirsch Statistical Methods and Sampling Design for Estimating Step Trends in Surface-Water Quality , 1988 .

[154]  T. Cohn Adjusted maximum likelihood estimation of the moments of lognormal populations from type 1 censored samples , 1988 .

[155]  Robert R. Pierce,et al.  Estimated use of water in the United States in 1985 , 1988 .

[156]  Timothy A. Cohn,et al.  Estimation of descriptive statistics for multiply censored water quality data , 1988 .

[157]  William M. Alley Using exogenous variables in testing for monotonic trends in hydrologic time series , 1988 .

[158]  W. Cleveland,et al.  Locally Weighted Regression: An Approach to Regression Analysis by Local Fitting , 1988 .

[159]  L. Franklin The Complete Exact Null Distribution of Spearman's Rho for n = 12(1)18 , 1988 .

[160]  J. Hughes,et al.  Arsenic in Ground Water of the Western United States , 1988 .

[161]  E. T. Oaksford,et al.  Relation between land use and ground-water quality in the upper glacial aquifer in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, New York , 1989 .

[162]  J. Hem Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water , 1989 .

[163]  S. Lewandowsky,et al.  Discriminating strata in scatterplots , 1989 .

[164]  Lawrence L. Kupper,et al.  How Appropriate are Popular Sample Size Formulas , 1989 .

[165]  E. Jacquelin Dietz,et al.  Teaching Regression in a Nonparametric Statistics Course , 1989 .

[166]  Visual Fits in the Teaching of Regression Concepts , 1989 .

[167]  David W. Hosmer,et al.  Applied Logistic Regression , 1991 .

[168]  Jery R. Stedinger,et al.  A generalized maintenance of variance extension procedure for extending correlated series , 1989 .

[169]  R. Vogel,et al.  Low-Flow Frequency Analysis Using Probability-Plot Correlation Coefficients , 1989 .

[170]  R. Reiss Approximate Distributions of Order Statistics: With Applications to Nonparametric Statistics , 1989 .

[171]  D. Knopman Factors related to the water-yielding potential of rocks in the Piedmont and Valley and Ridge provinces of Pennsylvania , 1990 .

[172]  Curtis C. Travis,et al.  Estimating the mean of data sets with nondetectable values , 1990 .

[173]  Dennis R. Helsel,et al.  Less than obvious - statistical treatment of data below the detection limit , 1990 .

[174]  Edward R. Tufte,et al.  Envisioning Information , 1990 .

[175]  J. Hosking L‐Moments: Analysis and Estimation of Distributions Using Linear Combinations of Order Statistics , 1990 .

[176]  T. L. Schertz Trends in water-quality data in Texas , 1990 .

[177]  Report of the U.S. Geological Survey's Analytical Evaluation Program: standard reference water samples T-115 (trace constituents), M-118 (major constituents), N-30 (nutrients), N-31 (nutrients), P-17 (precipitation-low ionic strength), Hg-11 (mercury), and Hg-12 (mercury) , 1991 .

[178]  N. Nagelkerke,et al.  A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination , 1991 .


[180]  Critchlow E. Douglas,et al.  On distribution-free multiple comparisons in the one-way analysis of variance , 1991 .

[181]  Luis A. Escobar,et al.  Statistical Intervals: A Guide for Practitioners , 1991 .

[182]  Jim C. Loftis,et al.  Considerations of Scale in Water Quality Monitoring and Data Analysis , 1991 .


[184]  J. Neter,et al.  Applied Linear Statistical Models (3rd ed.). , 1992 .

[185]  Raymond Leblanc,et al.  Tables for the Friedman rank test , 1993 .

[186]  D. Brown,et al.  Models in biology : mathematics, statistics and computing , 1995 .

[187]  J. Stedinger Frequency analysis of extreme events , 1993 .

[188]  C. Sutton,et al.  Computer-intensive methods for tests about the mean of an asymmetrical distribution , 1993 .

[189]  日野 寛三,et al.  対数正規分布(Lognormal Distribution)のあてはめについて , 1994 .