Developing a feature decoder network with low-to-high hierarchies to improve edge detection

Low-to-high hierarchical convolutional features can significantly improve edge detection. This paper proposes a feature decoder-based algorithm that employs a Feature Decoder Network (FDN) to extract more information within limited Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features. Previous studies applied convolutional elements by weight fusion, but we measure a feature decoder as a pyramid by qualifying convolutional layers. The feature decoder fuses CNN features of adjacent layers to judge the edge and non-edge pixels, which can learn the relationship and distinction between low-level edge hierarchies and high-level semantic hierarchies. Furthermore, we use Gaussian blur labels to train the network to optimize network convergence and training. From the experimental results, our proposed algorithm performs better on the BSDS500 (average accuracy (AP) of 0.865) and NYUD (OIS F-measure of 0.775) datasets compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms, including RCF.

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