Wafer-Scale Growth and Transfer of Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Experimental demonstration of wafer-scale growth of well-aligned, dense, single-walled carbon nanotubes on 4" ST-cut quartz wafers is presented. We developed a new carbon nanotube (CNT) wafer-scale growth process. This process allows quartz wafers to be heated to the CNT growth temperature of 865degC through the alpha-beta phase transformation temperature of quartz (573degC) without wafer fracture. We also demonstrate wafer-scale CNT transfer to transfer these aligned CNTs from quartz wafers to silicon wafers. The CNT transfer process preserves CNT density and alignment. Carbon nanotube FETs fabricated using these transferred CNTs exhibit high yield. Wafer-scale growth and wafer-scale transfer of aligned CNTs enable carbon nanotube very large-scale integration circuits and their large-scale integration with silicon CMOS.

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