Learning Deep Disentangled Embeddings with the F-Statistic Loss

Deep-embedding methods aim to discover representations of a domain that make explicit the domain's class structure. Disentangling methods aim to make explicit compositional or factorial structure. We combine these two active but independent lines of research and propose a new paradigm for discovering disentangled representations of class structure; these representations reveal the underlying factors that jointly determine class. We propose and evaluate a novel loss function based on the $F$ statistic, which describes the separation of two or more distributions. By ensuring that distinct classes are well separated on a subset of embedding dimensions, we obtain embeddings that are useful for few-shot learning. By not requiring separation on all dimensions, we encourage the discovery of disentangled representations. Our embedding procedure matches or beats state-of-the-art procedures on deep embeddings, as evaluated by performance on recall@$k$ and few-shot learning tasks. To evaluate alternative approaches on disentangling, we formalize two key properties of a disentangled representation: modularity and explicitness. By these criteria, our procedure yields disentangled representations, whereas traditional procedures fail. The goal of our work is to obtain more interpretable, manipulable, and generalizable deep representations of concepts and categories.

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