Neurocomputer applications
[1] J. Daugman. Uncertainty relation for resolution in space, spatial frequency, and orientation optimized by two-dimensional visual cortical filters. , 1985, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science.
[2] J J Hopfield,et al. Neurons with graded response have collective computational properties like those of two-state neurons. , 1984, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[3] Stephen Grossberg,et al. Competitive Learning: From Interactive Activation to Adaptive Resonance , 1987, Cogn. Sci..
[4] Bernard Widrow,et al. Adaptive switching circuits , 1988 .
[5] Bart Kosko,et al. Fuzzy entropy and conditioning , 1986, Inf. Sci..
[6] Stephen Grossberg,et al. Neural dynamics of adaptive sensory-motor control , 1986 .
[7] Terrence J. Sejnowski,et al. NETtalk: a parallel network that learns to read aloud , 1988 .
[8] S. Grossberg. Mathematical Psychology and Psychophysiology , 1982 .
[9] F ROSENBLATT,et al. The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain. , 1958, Psychological review.
[10] BART KOSKO,et al. Bidirectional associative memories , 1988, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern..
[11] Stephen Grossberg,et al. Studies of mind and brain , 1982 .
[12] S. Grossberg,et al. The Adaptive Brain , 1990 .
[13] Abraham Kandel,et al. Fuzzy Expert Systems , 1991 .
[14] James A. Anderson,et al. Cognitive and psychological computation with neural models , 1983, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
[15] Bernard Widrow,et al. Adaptive Signal Processing , 1985 .
[16] Karl Steinbuch,et al. Learning Matrices and Their Applications , 1963, IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput..
[17] B H Soffer,et al. Associative holographic memory with feedback using phase-conjugate mirrors. , 1986, Optics letters.
[18] S. Grossberg. Some Networks That Can Learn, Remember, and Reproduce any Number of Complicated Space-Time Patterns, I , 1969 .
[19] K. Steinbuch,et al. Automat und Mensch , 1961 .
[20] Robert Hecht-Nielsen,et al. Performance Limits Of Optical, Electro-Optical, And Electronic Neurocomputers , 1986, Other Conferences.
[21] J. J. Hopfield,et al. “Neural” computation of decisions in optimization problems , 1985, Biological Cybernetics.
[22] Bart Kosko,et al. Fuzzy Cognitive Maps , 1986, Int. J. Man Mach. Stud..
[23] James A. Anderson,et al. Concepts In Distributed Systems , 1986, Other Conferences.
[24] E. Caianiello. Outline of a theory of thought-processes and thinking machines. , 1961, Journal of theoretical biology.
[25] J J Hopfield,et al. Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities. , 1982, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[26] Kunihiko Fukushima,et al. Neocognitron: A new algorithm for pattern recognition tolerant of deformations and shifts in position , 1982, Pattern Recognit..
[27] R. Hecht-Nielsen. Nearest matched filter classification of spatiotemporal patterns. , 1987, Applied optics.
[28] Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al. Parallel Models of Associative Memory , 1989 .
[29] Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa,et al. Information capacity of the Hopfield model , 1985, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
[30] Bart Kosko,et al. Fuzzy knowledge combination , 1986, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[31] Stephen Grossberg,et al. A massively parallel architecture for a self-organizing neural pattern recognition machine , 1988, Comput. Vis. Graph. Image Process..
[32] J. Albus. A Theory of Cerebellar Function , 1971 .
[33] D. Perkel,et al. A computer model of the cerebellar cortex of the frog , 1977, Neuroscience.
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[35] Teuvo Kohonen,et al. Self-Organization and Associative Memory, Third Edition , 1989, Springer Series in Information Sciences.
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[37] P. Gilbert. A theory of memory that explains the function and structure of the cerebellum. , 1974, Brain research.
[38] A. Barto. Simulation Experiments with Goal-Seeking Adaptive Elements. , 1984 .
[39] S. Grossberg. Some Networks that can Learn, Remember, and Reproduce any Number of Complicated Space-time , 1970 .
[40] Stanley J. Farlow,et al. Self-Organizing Methods in Modeling: Gmdh Type Algorithms , 1984 .
[41] Donald O. Walter,et al. Self-Organizing Systems , 1987, Life Science Monographs.
[42] Stephen Grossberg,et al. Neural dynamics of speech and language coding: developmental programs, perceptual grouping, and competition for short-term memory. , 1986, Human neurobiology.
[43] David Willshaw,et al. Models of distributed associative memory , 1971 .
[44] H. C. LONGUET-HIGGINS,et al. Non-Holographic Associative Memory , 1969, Nature.
[45] James L. McClelland,et al. Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition, vol. 1: foundations , 1986 .
[46] Stephen Grossberg,et al. Embedding Fields: Underlying Philosophy, Mathematics, and Applications to Psychology, Physiology, and Anatomy , 1971 .