Cell Assemblies, Associative Memory and Temporal Structure in Brain Signals

In this work we discuss Hebb's old ideas about cell assemblies in the light of recent results concerning temporal structure and correlations in neural signals. We want to give a conceptual, necessarily only rough picture, how ideas about`binding by synchronisation', `synnre chains', `local and global assemblies', `short and long term memory' and`behaviour' might be integrated into a coherent model of brain functioning based on neuronal assemblies. 1 ASSEMBLIES AND ASSOCIATIVE MEMORIES 1.1 Cell Assemblies Cell assemblies have been introduced by Donald Hebb with the intention of providing a functional and at the same time structural model for cortical processes and neuronal representations of external events (Hebb, 1949). According to Hebb's ideas, stimuli, objects, things, but also more abstract entities like concepts, con-textual relations, ideas, and so on are thought of being represented in the brain by simultaneous activation of large groups of neurons, which are connected by relatively numerous and/or strong mutual excitatory synapses. Single neurons may belong to many diierent cell assemblies; the determinant of an assembly is the connectivity structure between cells that deenes, which cells lend support to each others ring and hence have a higher probability to become coactivated in a reliable manner in response to diierent versions of the same stimulus: if an external stimulus excites a suuciently large subset of cells of an assembly, then the whole assembly canìgnite' or``re', because recurrent activity, distributed via the speciic mutual connections,

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