An investigation of supervised learning in genetic programming

This thesis is an investigation into Supervised Learning (SL) in Genetic Programming (GP). With its exible tree-structured representation, GP is a type of Genetic Algorithm, using the Darwinian idea of natural selection and genetic recombination, evolving populations of solutions over many generations to solve problems. SL is a common approach in Machine Learning where the problem is presented as a set of examples. A good or t solution is one which can successfully deal with all of the examples. In common with most Machine Learning approaches, GP has been used to solve many trivial problems. When applied to larger and more complex problems, however, several di culties become apparent. When focusing on the basic features of GP, this thesis highlights the immense size of the GP search space, and describes an approach to measure this space. A stupendously exible but frustratingly useless representation, Anarchically Automatically De ned Functions, is described. Some di culties associated with the normal use of the GP operator Crossover (perhaps the most common method of combining GP trees to produce new trees) are demonstrated in the simple MAX problem. Crossover can lead to irreversible sub-optimal GP performance when used in combination with a restriction on tree size. There is a brief study of tournament selection which is a common method of selecting t individuals from a GP population to act as parents in the construction of the next generation. The main contributions of this thesis however are two approaches for avoiding the tness evaluation bottleneck resulting from the use of SL in GP. To establish the capability of a GP individual using SL, it must be tested or evaluated against each example in the set of training examples. Given that there can be a large set of training examples, a large population of individuals, and a large number of generations, before good solutions emerge, a very large number of evaluations must be carried out, often many tens of millions. This is by far the most time-consuming stage of the GP algorithm. Limited Error Fitness (LEF) and Dynamic Subset Selection (DSS) both reduce the number of evaluations needed by GP to successfully produce good solutions, adaptively using the capabilities of the current generation of individuals to guide the evaluation of the next generation. LEF curtails the tness evaluation of an individual after it exceeds an error limit, whereas DSS picks out a subset of examples from the training set for each generation. Whilst LEF allows GP to solve the comparatively small but di cult Boolean Even N parity problem for large N without the use of a more powerful representation such as Automatically De ned Functions, DSS in particular has been successful in improving the performance of GP across two large classi cation problems, allowing the use of smaller population sizes, many fewer and faster evaluations, and has more reliably produced as good or better solutions than GP on its own. The thesis ends with an assertion that smaller populations evolving over many generations can perform more consistently and produce better results than the `established' approach of using large populations over few generations. ii Acknowledgements I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have assisted, coerced, guided, bullied, ridiculed, encouraged, or otherwise contributed to my completing this thesis. Many thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Peter Ross, for knowing the answers to many questions. Many thanks to Dave Corne for lending an ear, and likewise to his bettergroomed replacement, Emma Hart. Many thanks to the attendees and organisers of the GP96 and GP97 conferences for many inspiring conversations and talks, and especially to Bill Langdon for his many helpful comments. Many thanks to the denizens of E17 and E19 for the endlessly diverting chats. Many thanks to many other people. And last but not least, many thanks to SERC, who became EPSRC, for funding nearly the whole of my PhD with grant number 93314680. iii Declaration I hereby declare that I composed this thesis entirely myself and that it describes my own research. C. S. Gathercole Edinburgh March 22, 1998 iv

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