Fast and efficient implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGA

State-of-the-art CNN models for Image recognition use deep networks with small filters instead of shallow networks with large filters, because the former requires fewer weights. In the light of above trend, we present a fast and efficient FPGA based convolution engine to accelerate CNN models over small filters. The convolution engine implements Winograd minimal filtering algorithm to reduce the number of multiplications by 38% to 55% for state-of-the-art CNNs. We exploit the parallelism of the Winograd convolution engine to scale the overall performance. We show that our overall design sustains the peak throughput of the convolution engines. We propose a novel data layout to reduce the required memory bandwidth of our design by half. One noteworthy feature of our Winograd convolution engine is that it hides the computation latency of the pooling layer. As a case study we implement VGG16 CNN model and compare it with previous approaches. Compared with the state-of-the-art reduced precision VGG16 implementation, our implementation achieves 1.2× improvement in throughput by using 3× less multipliers and 2× less on-chip memory without impacting the classification accuracy. The improvements in throughput per multiplier and throughput per unit on-chip memory are 3.7× and 2.47× respectively, compared with the state-of-the-art design.

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