Faster Learning for Dynamic Recurrent Backpropagation

The backpropagation learning algorithm for feedforward networks (Rumelhart et al. 1986) has recently been generalized to recurrent networks (Pineda 1989). The algorithm has been further generalized by Pearlmutter (1989) to recurrent networks that produce time-dependent trajectories. The latter method requires much more training time than the feedforward or static recurrent algorithms. Furthermore, the learning can be unstable and the asymptotic accuracy unacceptable for some problems. In this note, we report a modification of the delta weight update rule that significantly improves both the performance and the speed of the original Pearlmutter learning algorithm. Our modified updating rule, a variation on that originally proposed by Jacobs (1988), allows adaptable independent learning rates for individual parameters in the algorithm. The update rule for the ith weight, wi, is given by the delta-bar-delta rule: with the change in learning rate ~~(t) on each epoch given by if &(t l)&(t) > 0 if &(t - l)&(t) < 0