Recurrent Parameter Generators

We present a generic method for recurrently using the same parameters for many different convolution layers to build a deep network. Specifically, for a network, we create a recurrent parameter generator (RPG), from which the parameters of each convolution layer are generated. Though using recurrent models to build a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is not entirely new, our method achieves significant performance gain compared to the existing works. We demonstrate how to build a one-layer neural network to achieve similar performance compared to other traditional CNN models on various applications and datasets. Such a method allows us to build an arbitrarily complex neural network with any amount of parameters. For example, we build a ResNet34 with model parameters reduced by more than 400 times, which still achieves 41.6% ImageNet top-1 accuracy. Furthermore, we demonstrate the RPG can be applied at different scales, such as layers, blocks, or even sub-networks. Specifically, we use the RPG to build a ResNet18 network with the number of weights equivalent to one convolutional layer of a conventional ResNet and show this model can achieve 67.2% ImageNet top-1 accuracy. The proposed method can be viewed as an inverse approach to model compression. Rather than removing the unused parameters from a large model, it aims to squeeze more information into a small number of parameters. Extensive experiment results are provided to demonstrate the power of the proposed recurrent parameter generator.

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