Fast Stochastic Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

We analyze stochastic algorithms for optimizing nonconvex, nonsmooth finite-sum problems, where the nonconvex part is smooth and the nonsmooth part is convex. Surprisingly, unlike the smooth case, our knowledge of this fundamental problem is very limited. For example, it is not known whether the proximal stochastic gradient method with constant minibatch converges to a stationary point. To tackle this issue, we develop fast stochastic algorithms that provably converge to a stationary point for constant minibatches. Furthermore, using a variant of these algorithms, we show provably faster convergence than batch proximal gradient descent. Finally, we prove global linear convergence rate for an interesting subclass of nonsmooth nonconvex functions, that subsumes several recent works. This paper builds upon our recent series of papers on fast stochastic methods for smooth nonconvex optimization [22, 23], with a novel analysis for nonconvex and nonsmooth functions.

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