Hierarchical Clustering With Prototypes via Minimax Linkage

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering is a popular class of methods for understanding the structure of a dataset. The nature of the clustering depends on the choice of linkage—that is, on how one measures the distance between clusters. In this article we investigate minimax linkage, a recently introduced but little-studied linkage. Minimax linkage is unique in naturally associating a prototype chosen from the original dataset with every interior node of the dendrogram. These prototypes can be used to greatly enhance the interpretability of a hierarchical clustering. Furthermore, we prove that minimax linkage has a number of desirable theoretical properties; for example, minimax-linkage dendrograms cannot have inversions (unlike centroid linkage) and is robust against certain perturbations of a dataset. We provide an efficient implementation and illustrate minimax linkage’s strengths as a data analysis and visualization tool on a study of words from encyclopedia articles and on a dataset of images of human faces.

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