Bi-directional Gated Memory Networks for Answer Selection

Answer selection is a crucial subtask of the open domain question answering problem. In this paper, we introduce the Bi-directional Gated Memory Network (BGMN) to model the interactions between question and answer. We match question \((\varvec{P})\) and answer (Q) in two directions. In each direction(for example \({\varvec{P}}\rightarrow {\varvec{Q}}\)), sentence representation of P triggers an iterative attention process that aggregates informative evidence of Q. In each iteration, sentence representation of P and aggregated evidence of Q so far are passed through a gate determining the importance of the two when attend to every step of Q. Finally based on the aggregated evidence, the decision is made through a fully connected network. Experimental results on SemEval-2015 Task 3 dataset demonstrate that our proposed method substantially outperforms several strong baselines. Further experiments show that our model is general and can be applied to other sentence-pair modeling tasks.

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