Constrained Regularization for Ill Posed Linear Operator Equations, with Applications in Meteorology and Medicine.

Abstract : The relationship between certain regularization methods for solving ill posed linear operator equations and ridge methods in regression problems is described. The regularization estimates we describe may be viewed as ridge estimates in a (reproducing kernel) Hilbert space H. When the solution is known a priori to be in some closed, convex set in H, for example, the set of nonnegative functions, or the set of monotone functions, then one can propose regularized estimates subject to side conditions such as nonnegativity, monotonicity, etc. Some applications in medicine and meteorology are described. We describe the method of generalized cross validation for choosing the smoothing (or ridge) parameter in the presence of a family of linear inequality constraints. Some successful numerical examples, solving ill posed convolution equations with noisy data, subject to nonnegativity constraints, are presented. The technique appears to be quite successful in adding information, doing nearly the optimal amount of smoothing, and resolving distinct peaks in the solution which have been blurred by the convolution operation. (Author)

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