Seeing isn't Believing: Practical Adversarial Attack Against Object Detectors

In this paper, we presented systematic solutions to build robust and practical AEs against real world object detectors. Particularly, for Hiding Attack (HA), we proposed the feature-interference reinforcement (FIR) method and the enhanced realistic constraints generation (ERG) to enhance robustness, and for Appearing Attack (AA), we proposed the nested-AE, which combines two AEs together to attack object detectors in both long and short distance. We also designed diverse styles of AEs to make AA more surreptitious. Evaluation results show that our AEs can attack the state-of-the-art real-time object detectors (i.e., YOLO V3 and faster-RCNN) at the success rate up to 92.4% with varying distance from 1m to 25m and angles from -60{\deg} to 60{\deg}. Our AEs are also demonstrated to be highly transferable, capable of attacking another three state-of-the-art black-box models with high success rate.

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