Associative learning in early vision

Sensory discriminations often improve with practice (perceptual learning). Recent results show that practice does not necessarily lead to the best possible performance on the task. It was shown that learning a task (contrast discrimination) that has already reached saturation could be enabled by a contextual change in the stimulus (the addition of surrounding flankers) during practice. Psychophysical results with varying context show a behavior that is described by a network of local visual processors with horizontal recurrent interactions. We describe a mathematical learning rule for the modification of cortical synapses that is inspired by the experimental results and apply it to recurrent cortical networks that respond to external stimuli. The model predicts that repeated presentation of the same stimulus leads to saturation of synaptic modification, such that the strengths of recurrent connections depend on the configuration of the stimulus but not on its amplitude. When a new stimulus is introduced, the modification is rekindled until a new equilibrium is reached. This effect may explain the saturation of perceptual learning when practicing a certain task repeatedly. We present simulations of contrast discrimination in a simplified model of a cortical column in the primary visual cortex and show that performance of the model is reminiscent of context-dependent perceptual learning.

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