Neural dynamics of form perception: boundary completion, illusory figures, and neon color spreading.

Abstract A real-time visual processing theory is used to analyse real and illusory contour formation, contour and brightness interactions, neon color spreading, complementary color induction, and filling-in of discounted illuminants and scotomas. The theory also physically interprets and generalizes Land's retinex theory. These phenomena are traced to adaptive processes that overcome limitations of visual uptake to synthesize informative visual representations of the external world. Two parallel contour sensitive processes interact to generate the theory's brightness, color, and form estimates. A boundary contour process is sensitive to orientation and amount of contrast but not to direction of contrast in scenic edges. It synthesizes boundaries sensitive to the global configuration of scenic elements. A feature contour process is insensitive to orientation but sensitive to both amount of contrast and to direction of contrast in scenic edges. It triggers a diffusive filling-in of featural quality within perceptual domains whose boundaries are determined by completed boundary contours. The boundary contour process is hypothesized to include cortical interactions initiated by hypercolumns in Area 17 of the visual cortex. The feature contour process is hypothesized to include cortical interactions initiated by the cytochrome oxydase staining blobs in Area 17. Relevant data from striate and prestriate visual cortex, including data that support two predictions, are reviewed. Implications for other perceptual theories and axioms of geometry are discussed.

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